The Avocado Archives is a compilation album of some of the coolest music I wrote in 2023 for various events around the web. This is the fourth yearly installment of this series, and as you have perhaps come to expect, it's jam-packed with all manner of chiptunes, MIDIs, tracker modules, glitchscapes, and more... plus a bunch of killer collabs with wonderful people! I hope you find plenty to enjoy on here!
Read below for more info about the tracks.
released February 2, 2024
🟊 Track 1 was written for Battle of the Bits' Summer Chip XIII (15th/240) [NES multi-chip: 2A03 + VRC6 + 5xN163]
🟊 Track 2 was a commission written in PxTone for pxtoner "cob" using his synth pack "cobVOICE" as the only sound sources
🟊 Track 3 was a collaborative Impulse Tracker module made with surasshu for the "Infloresce & Friends: Charity Festival" event on Battle of the Bits (5th/69)
🟊 Track 4 was written for Battle of the Bits' Winter Chip XVIII (27th/324) [MSGS MIDI]
🟊 Track 5 was written for PXTUNES' 3rd annual Secret Porta cover exchange event
🟊 Track 6 was a commission from rewitkin to arrange one of his piano pieces as a SNES chiptune
🟊 Track 7 was written for Battle of the Bits' Winter Chip XVIII (62nd/324) [Amiga .MOD]
🟊 Track 8 was written for STAFFcirc vol. 8: circle
🟊 Track 9 was a collaborative Gameboy chiptune made with pouale for Battle of the Bits' Summer Chip XIII (14th/240)
🟊 Track 10 was written for Battle of the Bits' Winter Chip XVIII (20th/324) [AdLib / OPL3]
🟊 Track 11 was written for tobokegao's "PURE MIDI Volume 2" compilation album [MSGS MIDI]
🟊 Track 12 was written for Battle of the Bits' Spring Tracks XII (32nd/241) [LittleGPTracker]
🟊 Track 13 was written for the STAFFcirc showcase during the Infloresce Charity Festival on June 10 2023
🟊 Track 14 was written for Battle of the Bits' Winter Chip XVIII (28th/324) [MT-32 MIDI]
🟊 Track 15 was written for Battle of the Bits' RPG Adventure battle (3rd/36)
🟊 Track 16 was a collaborative Gameboy chiptune made with don'tblinkoryou'lldie aka DBOYD for Battle of the Bits' Winter Chip XVIII (13th/324)
Event/album links:
🟉 Winter Chip XVIII https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/7666/
🟉 Spring Tracks XII https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/8066/
🟉 Summer Chip XIII https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/8151/
🟉 Infloresce & Friends: Charity Festival https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/8126/
🟉 RPG Adventure https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/7908/
🟉 PXTUNES: 3CRET PORTA https://pxtunes.bandcamp.com/album/3cret-porta
🟉 PURE MIDI Volume 2 https://tbkgao.bandcamp.com/album/pure-midi-volume-2
🟉 STAFFcirc vol. 8: circle https://sexytoadsandfrogsfriendcircle.bandcamp.com/album/staffcirc-vol-8-circle
☆ All music written by Hunter Van Brocklin except where indicated in titles:
- Track 3 co-written with surasshu (surasshu.bandcamp.com)
- Track 5 is a cover of "Aquaculture" by squiggy (squiggythings.bandcamp.com)
- Track 6 is a SNES arrange of a piano piece by rewitkin (rewitkin.bandcamp.com)
- Track 9 co-written with pouale (pouale.bandcamp.com)
- Track 13 features ZBW on sax (zbwmusic.bandcamp.com)
- Track 16 co-written with don'tblinkoryou'lldie (dboydchipmusic.bandcamp.com)
☆ The tracks for this Bandcamp release were lightly mastered for consistency. Track 8 was originally mastered by Sintel (sintel.bandcamp.com). Track 11 was originally mastered by tobokegao (tbkgao.bandcamp.com).
☆ Album artwork by sparklecats2009 (twitter.com/sparklecats2009).
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