This album is a collection of songs written in 2020 for various compilations and competitions, and I think it serves as a showcase of some of the coolest music I made all year, along with the many different directions I've taken my music from 2020 onward.
See the links below to check out the albums these songs are from and hear everyone else's fantastic music; you won't be disappointed!
* Track 1 was dual submitted to Sinecraft vol. 1 and Battle of the Bits Summer Chip X (25th/237)
* Track 2 was submitted to Sample Pack Contest XIII (3rd/72)
* Track 3 was submitted to STAFFcirc vol. ω
* Track 4 was submitted to Soundchip Pastiche Collection vol. 1
* Track 5 was submitted to Battle of the Bits "MIDI Death Battle" (3rd/30)
* Track 6 was submitted to Sample Pack Contest XIII (6th/72)
* Track 7 was submitted to Battle of the Bits "Spooky VRC6" (6th/30)
* Track 8 was submitted to STAFFcirc vol. 7: Terra Octava
* Track 9 was submitted to Sample Pack Contest XII (6th/77)
* Track 10 was submitted to Sample Pack Contest XII (8th/77)
BotB Summer Chip X - https://battleofthebits.bandcamp.com/album/summer-chip-x
BotB MIDI Death Battle - https://battleofthebits.bandcamp.com/album/midi-death-battle
BotB Spooky VRC6 - https://battleofthebits.bandcamp.com/album/spooky-vrc6
STAFFcirc vol. ω - https://sexytoadsandfrogsfriendcircle.bandcamp.com/album/staffcirc-vol
STAFFcirc vol. 7: Terra Octava - https://sexytoadsandfrogsfriendcircle.bandcamp.com/album/staffcirc-vol-7-terra-octava
Sample Pack Contest XII - https://samplepackcontest.bandcamp.com/album/sample-pack-contest-xii
Sample Pack Contest XIII - https://samplepackcontest.bandcamp.com/album/sample-pack-contest-xiii
Soundchip Pastiche Collection vol. 1 - https://vgmusic.bandcamp.com/album/soundchip-pastiche-collection-vol-1
Sinecraft vol. 1 - https://sinecraft.bandcamp.com/album/sinecrafters-emporium-xchange-yellowpages-tome-or-a-directory-site-and-free-roaming-online-gamer-sanctuary-for-recreating-in-eternity-new-digital-sounds-circle-volume-1
released April 2, 2021
☆ All music was written by Hunter Van Brocklin, except tracks 2, 5 & 9, co-written with blue.nocturne. Track 8 mastered by soapdrip.
☆ Album artwork by sparklecats2009 - https://twitter.com/sparklecats2009.
all rights reserved